CTR = Choose the Right

Friday, June 12, 2009

Journey's End

We have only two more weeks of school, and this school year will end. June 30 is the last day, and then the very next day starts the new school year.
Students, endure to the end of the school year's journey. Finishers are needed. Be a finisher in order to achieve new and greater heights of achievement. 


  1. yes i will endure to the end of the school year and will be a finisher

  2. iam a finisher and a academic champion

  3. i like free time

  4. i will endure. not only until the end of this school year, but until the end of all high school. :)

    araceli p.5

  5. well ive been choosing the right and i will miss this class but i will be successful i will finish what i started 9 years ago

  6. Academic champions choose the right and endure till the end... =]

  7. Don't worry MR. haymore i will endure to the end!!

  8. wow this year was very difficult.. but after working hard, smart and together everything came into place..! Thanks Mr. Haymore for everything..! i will always remember to Choose the Right..!
