CTR = Choose the Right

Friday, June 19, 2009

Endure to the End

There is only one more full week in this school year. Students today were totally obedient and supportive, which is unusual for this last stage in the game of the school year. I have been stressing to the students the importance of enduring to the end, that finishers are wanted.

I received copies of the book "The 16 Quality Points of Academic Chamjpions, and I think it is beautiful. I wrote this book as a second edition, altering it somewhat from the volume last year. I plan to give each student a copy of thie book for the purposes of inspiring them to choose the right and to work hard to be academically successful.

1 comment:

  1. it's only a new beginning(:
    &thank you very much for the book mr.haymore(:
    you've really motivated me to always choose the right!

    _Cristal :D
