CTR = Choose the Right

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Independence and Freedom

"True independence and freedom can only exist in doing what's right."
Brigham Young

image from: josephsmith.net


  1. Choosing the right will always work for you no matter what. It is up to you to get things put to place. And keeping it on the right track. after all the writer of the story is you.

  2. this is a good quote. you would only get freedom and independence ir you choose the right only.

  3. I think that this is a great quote. I think that this quote is saying a lot. I think that it is saying that you have do what's right and by doing that you will have true independence and freedom. That is what I think that it is what this statement is saying.
    Santiago Per. 2

  4. this quote is true.. if you want to become some one in life you have to become someone very honest and modest. if you choose the right you can live your life with peace.
    jonathan per.2

  5. independence is only for people who choose the right. so if you choose the wrong kiss that and freedom good bye, remember always choose the right. thats the way to go

  6. I think that this quote is very important because their are many independence that people want but they don' have because their is something stopping them so they are have to do the right thing so that they can make the best effort to get freedom as well.

  7. what i thing about this quote is that is a very good one, you always got to choose the right!!

  8. I agree with what this says. If you do whats right you wont have to worry about anything. Thats when you will find true independence because you will choose the right and you wont have to worry about anything.

  9. I think that this quote is a very good quote and one of the best quotes i have heard!! If you are not going to be doing the right things, i don't think you deserve to have freedom and independence.

  10. Nothing bestows more freedom or peace upon a person than the knowledge that they've done right. After all, how can doing wrong, causing havoc, ever produce serenity? When you choose to do wrong, you decide to be subject to the consequences of your actions. When you choose to do right, there aren't consequences, but rewards, perhaps not always material, but satisfying nonetheless.
    Period 2

  11. You have to do what's right. if you don't, then there will be consequence. Always choose the right. No matter what obstacle. This way you will keep your freedom. If not there is prison.
    -Elvin Period.2

  12. If you do whats right then will always have true independence if you do whats right because choosing the right and you live a happy life and always choose the right.
