CTR = Choose the Right

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

📚 What to say when you talk to yourself by Shad Helmstetter - AUDIOBOOK

We become what we think about, do, and tell ourselves. 

Monday, December 18, 2023

Monday, November 20, 2023

Friday, November 17, 2023

Lecture #11: Taking Notes Effectively - which words should you write down?

This is part of a series of lectures, intended for first-year college students, on 'How To Do Well in College" or university! This one is about how to effectively take notes.
1. Do not write down everything down world-for-word 2. Do not even grab exact phrases 3. Add felsh to the text within 24 hours 4. Write the notes with a pen or pencil, by hand, not by typing on an electronic device.

Lecture #9: How to Read so that you *Retain* Information

Monday, April 24, 2023

IRONMAN: Anything Is Possible

IRONMAN is a statement of excellence, passion, and commitment. It is a test of physical toughness and mental strength. IRONMAN is about persevering, enduring and being a part of something larger than ourselves. It shows the heights that can be achieved when we push beyond our boundaries and go the distance to earn the title... IRONMAN!

Swim 2.4 miles
Bicycle 112 miles
Run 26.2 miles
Total 140.6 Miles


The average time is about 12 hours.
Many complete the race in about 8 hours



Be an Academic Ironman

Monday, April 3, 2023

How to Remember What You Read and Study


Do you have trouble remember what you studied? This video is about how to remember what you studied We have all read a page and then 5 minutes later don't remember what we just read. There is a simple process that you can follow to remember what you read. To remember what you read: 1. Don't try to memorize as you read but instead highlight or underline the key words 2. Use the Mind Palace technique 3. Create pictures for all the words you have highlighted or underlines 4. See these pictures in your mind palace 5. Segment chapters by using rooms 6. Create pictures for dates if it is a history book The main thing in remembering what you read is not to try to memorize as you read but take notes and then later go back and use the mind palace technique to remember what you have read. This works for students wanting to improve their memory for what they have read or business professionals wanting to remember what they have read Follow these steps and this is how you remember what you studied

Look to God and Live

DAILY: Read the Bible and Pray

Do Good - Be Good - Feel Good

Be a CTR Person

CTR: Your Choice - Your Promise - Your Lifestyle

CTR: Always 100% 24/7

Monday, March 27, 2023

Learn How To Speed Read

0:39 Tip 1 - Read the table of content, review and chapter summaries 0:52 Tip 2 - Don't sub-vocalise 1:18 Tip 3 - Listen to classical music while reading 1:40 Tip 4 - Follow the finger when reading 2:50 Tip 5 - Learn to see group of words 3:16 Tip 6 - Read the first and the last sentence of the paragraph and have a look at the middle 3:43 Tip 7 - Go faster than you think is possible

Look to God and Live

DAILY: Read the Bible and Pray

Do Good - Be Good - Feel Good

Be a CTR Person

CTR: Your Choice - Your Promise - Your Lifestyle

CTR: Always 100% 24/7

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Champion | Harvard Study Motivation

How to Be a CHAMPION